Are Left Handed People Really Unique ?


Here we will discuss about the people who are left-handed.Most of the people consider it as an important topic to debate upon. I have heard many of my friends talking about handedness. Some say , that left-handed people are good in sports and some say, they have a good brain and intelligence level etc. So l decided to do a little research on this topic and try to find some more details in a scientific manner. So let's begin.

Right-handedness is most common. Studies suggests that 70-90% of the world population is right handed.

Left-handedness is less common than right-handedness. Studies suggests that approximately 10% of the world population is left-handed.

Gene for Left handedness

An international group of scientists,led by a team from Welcome Trust Centre for human genetics at university of Oxford, have discovered a gene that increases the chance of being left handed. 

Another research,which involved over 40 scientists from 20 research centres around the world,reveald a gene called LRRTM1; the first to be discovered which has an effect on handedness.


In a 2006 U.S study , researchers from Lafayette College and John Hopkins University concluded that there was no scientifically significant correlation between handedness and earnings for the general population, but among college-educated people ,left handers earned 10 to 15% more than their right handed counterparts.


The idea that left-handed people have shorter life spans is not new. It comes,in part ,from the observation that as the population ages , the percentage of left-handed people falls. If you gather a large group of young adults together , about 10% to 15% will be left-handed.But , left-hand preference will be reported by about 5% of 50 year-olds and only 1% of 80 year olds. Is this because of an earlier demise of  left-handed people ? Is it because Lefties cannot survive as long "in a right handed world? For example , there might be more accidents among people using power tools designed for right handed workers.


It is also found in some studies reporting a higher than expected prevalence of left-handedness among scientists and mathematicians.In the study finding more creativity among Lefties , the researchers found left-handed people were over represented among those with the highest IQs. However , the left-handed subject also performed worse on tests of memory. While it's easy to find claims of intellectual and creative differences between left and right handed people, it's much harder to find convincing support for them. Many scientists also agree that there is no real difference in Intelligence between the two.


A 1989 study surveyed nearly 1900 college students and found that Lefties reported  more accidents (especially car accidents) than righties. The authors or this study suggested that it was due to environmental factors, such as the way common implements (from scissors to gearshifts) , traffic patterns and power tools are designed for right handed majority.


One theory suggests that Lefties recognise early on they are unique compared with others around them. For some,that sense of "specialness" might translate into comfort taking leadership roles .Many famous leaders like Alexander, Napoleon, Obama etc were left-handed.
Even Prime minister of India, NARENDRA MODI is also born left-handed.
Even if that's true,no one can really say that left-handedness will ease your road to RASHTRAPATI BHAVAN.


 A 2009 study of tennis players found that right and left handed athletes predicted the direction of a right handed opponent's shot better than when the opponent was left-handed. In non-interactive sports, such as golfing or swimming , left-handedness does not seem to provide an advantage.


More research is needed to understand what determines handedness and whether it effects health or longevity .
It's not clear you can or you should change your hand preferance. There's o evidence that trying to switch your dominant hand will have a beneficial effect your health or lifespan.
The more we learn about handedness, the more interesting and mysterious it becomes.But, until more is known, don't believe you hear about lefties and righties.

